It has been awe-inspiring to have this team come in and completely rethink, redesign and transform the space into a trauma-informed, warm and cosy, full-of-life ‘home’. The renovation blew us away, and our clients too. Whilst Erin’s Place has always been a safe place for women and children to come to, it was looking very tired. Jane and Kylie brought life and colour to Erin’s Place, with their meticulous eye for detail and style.
Our residents are completely gobsmacked and tell us that it does not feel like a ‘refuge’ but a home.
- Ella, Homelessness Services Northern Sydney
“When I saw my bedroom, I felt worthy.
I was thinking, is this really for me.”
* not her real name
On my arrival to the house from entrance, it appeared like a new world has evolved from what it used to be previously. My room looks so cool and feel so cool to the extent that the first night was like being in a brand new 5-star luxurious hotel. The transformation is an outstanding facelift and makes my child and I feel at home.
Thumb up for job well done.
* not her real name
“It was stunning and like being in a home magazine. It helped me to feel that everything was going to be okay. It was so beautiful, it helped me get in the right mindset. It was very different from what I thought a shelter would be like, and the love I experienced from staff, and the lovely surroundings, helped me so much when I was in a vulnerable state”.
*not her real name
“To all the people involved doing the renovations at Erin’s Place I must say that after all the hard work that has been put in, the house has transformed it into a warm home. I loved all the spaces, the colours, the furniture that lift up my spirit when things gets too much at times. I can't thank you all enough for all the support that has been given while I was living at Erin’s Place.”
*not her real name